Death Penalty Organizations

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Coalition for Truth and Justice, The (CFTJ)
• " non profit organisation that has been created in 1999 by Myriam Stubbe to support Death Row Inmates. Find out more about the CFTJ in the links on this page, including the composition of our board and more."

California People of Faith Working Against the Death Penalty (CPF)
• "...a statewide interfaith organization. We reach out to all citizens regardless of faith, race, ethnic group, sexual orientation, income, political affiliation, age or ability. Our members include Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and people from other faith traditions."

Singapore's Anti-Death Penalty Campaign
• "Singaporeans have been fed one side of the story for the past 40 years or so. So much so that most of us have come to accept it as normal. The public's access to information on the issue of the Death Penalty in Singapore is a very important part of the campaign...."

Radical Philosophy Association's Anti-Death Penalty Project, The (ADPP) (Berkeley University, California, USA)
• "...campaigning within the academic community for the abolition of the death penalty in the U.S. and internationally. The ADPP was formed in the summer of 1995, when a number of Radical Philosophy Aassociation members met during the demonstrations called to stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal."

Wisconsin Coalition Against the Death Penalty, The
• "...a coalition that has formed to fight attempts to bring the death penalty back. It is inhumane and racially biased, not an effective deterrent to crime, more costly than life imprisonment. Even with DNA testing there is still a risk of killing innocent people."

Blasts from the Past

• "Errors of justice concern anyone. When innocent individuals are imprisoned, the guilty ones are at large and may commit more crimes. IIPPI illustrates cases of possibly false or wrongful convictions...."

• "...committed to the abolition of capital punishment..."

• "... a source of information about the death penalty in North Carolina and elsewhere. We provide news updates, with links to relevant sources and documents, several times a week."

• "...a coalition of families, friends, and loved ones of murder victims who oppose the death penalty. The coalition supports families, friends, and loved ones in telling their stories and being heard."

• "... the only nationwide grassroots organization focused solely on the issue of death penalty abolition."

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