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Red Rag
• "With that one little word, The Australian admits what everyone knows: that it regards itself as part of the Howard Government. Or perhaps it's just a telling typo."

AKM-1917 (Russian)
• "4 дeкaбpя в Mocквe cтopoнники aктивнoгo бoйкoтa пapлaмeнтcких выбopoв пpoвeдут oбщeгpaждaнcкий cхoд пoд лoзунгoм 'Hapoд пpoтив нeзaкoнных выбopoв!'. Aкция пpoйдёт нa цeнтpaльнoй плoщaди cтpaны..." (Russian)
• "Pукoвoдcтвo ЛФ в Пeнзeнcкoй oблacти..."

List of Lists at, The
• "A somewhat out-of-date list of info about the expanding universe of marxism related email lists..."

Marxism-Leninism Today
• "Politics without Marxism-Leninism is like a journey with no map. Throughout the last century and a half, the thinking of Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Vladimir Lenin and many of their followers has propelled the working classes and the oppressed..."

Blasts from the Past

• "...established in December 2002. At that time the Venezuelan reactionary opposition had launched another attempt to overthrow the government of Hugo Chávez and put an end to the Bolivarian revolution."

• "Political views: Anarchist at heart, Leninist in political practice...."

• "...aims to help build the movement for socialism. It has been initiated by the Revolutionary Socialist Party. While DA will seek to explain and popularise the RSP's views, DA encourages constructive debate..."

• "...a discussion journal aimed at those who are interested in the development of Marxism as a guide to action. The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for open discussion. To that end, our editorial policy is broad."

• "Workers Need A Party That Won't Respect The Capitalists' 'Right' to Exploit Workers..."

I Never Forget a Book

I've Heard It Said...

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