Feminist Organizations

RevoltLink Social Struggle Feminist Organizations

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Pussy Riot USA
• "An anonymous feminist punk collective in resistance to the war on women."

World Women's Conference (German/Spanish)
• "Der kurz Internationaler Frauentag oder Weltfrauentag genannte Tag der Vereinten Nationen für die Rechte der Frau und den Weltfrieden wird weltweit von Frauenorganisationen am 8. März begangen. Er entstand in der Zeit um den Ersten Weltkrieg im Kampf um die Gleichberechtigung und das Wahlrecht für Frauen."

National Women's History Museum, The (NWHM) (USA)
• "...to build a world-class museum at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The National Women's History Museum currently raises awareness and honors women's diverse experiences and achievements through its dynamic online museum, educational programs, scholarship and research."

Amargi Feminist Review (Turkey)
• "...list of projects, workshops and campaigns that Amargi members are involved in and what they accomplished in the past. You can find an overview of interviews made with Amargi activists and listen to audio files about Amargi and Feminism in Turkey as well."

Not My Gal: Feminist is Not a Dirty Word
• "We're a group of women who are committed to redefining what it means to be a Feminist of the 3rd wave. And that means taking back our words, and being proud to identify as a feminist."

Blasts from the Past

• "Kadınların aile içinde maruz kaldıkları şiddet karşısında güçlendirilmeleri, namus cinayetlerinin ifşa edilmesi ve cezalandırılması , kadın istihdamının artırılması, kadınların eğitime katılımlarının önünün açılması, Anayasa ve yasalarda kadınların durumunun çeşitli düzenlemelerle güçlendirilmesi gibi hedefler için pek çok kadın grubu seferber olmuş durumda."

• "...established in 1978 to provide a foundation for the interdisciplinary teaching of, and research in, Women's Studies."

• "...a collective of women's rights advocates that was founded in the Spring of 2009. The name is a very deliberate statement that feminism is inherently linked to the right a woman has to control her own body."

• "...a non-profit organization that seeks to advance feminist inquiry of economic issues and to educate economists and others on feminist points of view on economic issues."

• "A global community of justice activists, scholars and popular educators in more than 30 countries worldwide, JASS works from a feminist perspective to transform norms, institutions, policies and decision-making processes in both public and private spaces of power...."

I Never Forget a Book

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