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American Freethought
• "Four-hour documentary film series on the history of secularism and censorship in America."

Damned Heretics: Condemned By The Established, But Very Often Right
• "Qualified outsiders and maverick insiders are often right about the need to replace received wisdom in science and society, as the history of the Nobel prize shows. This blog exists to back the best of them in their uphill assault on the massive, entrenched edifice of resistance to and prejudice against reviewing, let alone revising, ruling ideas."

Essays of an Atheist by Woolsey Teller, 1945
• "Transcription to web provided by Sharon Mooney. Original publication, courtesy of the library owned by David Mooney...."

Friendly Atheist
• "A friendly atheist is someone who: Believes everyone should do what makes them happy, provided they are not stopping anyone else from doing the same...."

Atheist Forums
• "...a community website for freethinkers, atheists, agnostics and believers..."

Blasts from the Past

• "A magazine of critical inquiry and social concern..."

• "...freethinkers' discussion board..."

• "Unraveling the most destructive viral idea ever to evolve."

• "...we have a Rational Point of view. We create our articles from this rational perspective, and we attempt to demonstrate the strength of science and the scientific method, and the folly of cranks."

• "...the directory to over 1000 articles by California Skeptics..."

I Never Forget a Book

I've Heard It Said...

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