Death Penalty Information

RevoltLink Political Struggle Death Penalty Information

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Keep the Death Penalty out of Maine!
• "The most recent attempt to reintroduce the death penalty was rejected by wide margins in both the House and Senate in May, 1999...."

Journey of Hope
• "Hoping for an end to the cycle of violence...."

History of Capital Punishment
• "Some of the available net resources on the history of capital punishment are collected here. If you think something interesting is missing, let me know and I'll check it out..."

Gorilla Convict Publications
• "...the home of recognized prison journalist and gangster chronicler, Seth 'Soul Man' Ferranti, the Gorilla Convict Blog and Gorilla Convict Publications which published Seth's books..."

Blasts from the Past

• "...announced Wednesday, July 14, that he has commuted Gaile's death penalty sentence to life in prison. Gaile will be eligible for parole in late 2011."

• "... for those who want to know about the death penalty, or those who dont believe in the death penalty. I hope that the site will change your perspective on the death penalty."

• "Present the history of death penalty actions and concepts in America and around the world...."

• "Led by murder victim family members speaking out...Telling their stories of love, forgiveness and understanding. Hoping for an end to the cycle of violence."

• "Larry developed a strong faith in God while incarcerated which brought him from the depths of despair to an awareness and understanding of the true meaning of life and unconditional love...."

I Never Forget a Book

I've Heard It Said...

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