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Anarchist International
• "Nothing is mutually exclusive. All options are on the table."

Boston Occupier, The
• "...a volunteer-run, independent newspaper and website located in Boston, Massachusetts. We report on the efforts of grassroots activists, politics, policy and local/national news pertaining to the issues raised by the Occupy movement."

Disaccords: An anarchist news blotter following events in Australia & Indonesia
• "By choosing to report an incident here, we make no claims as to the (political) motivations of any actors. We just want to amplify the news of incidents that shatter, however briefly, the myth of consensus and social peace, and show that various forms of resistance are possible - are present - here."

No More Sunsets
• "It really drives me nuts when ancaps talk about how effective self-regulation would be in an ancap society but then they constantly whine how expensive products are because of regulations. They're basically saying that in a future ancap society everyone will be suing the shit out of each other..."

Mutualist Alliance Blog
• "Let's tackle a controversial question: Is mutualism a form of 'market anarchism'? It's a useful sort of question, even though the correct answer is probably 'that depends....'"

Blasts from the Past

• "The last weekend of June, 2005, the IWW commemorates the 186 labor visionaries, including Lucy Parsons, Eugene Debs, and Mary Mother Jones, who met at Brand's Hall in Chicago on Tuesday, June 27, 1905, at ten o'clock AM, to hear William D..."

• "...a forum for anti-authoritarian political opinion, research and humor..."

• "Anarchist Modernism, 2001, reprint 2007 | Only A Beginning, 2004 | Anarchy and Art, 2007..."

• "The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), sometimes known as the Wobblies, is a radical labor organization that was most active from 1900 to the 1930's. This collection of pamphlets, leaflets and letters, originally held by the now defunct I.W.W. Seattle Office, focuses on the Centralia Massacre of 1919 in Centralia, Washington...."

• "I live in an anarchist collective in Greensboro, NC. I eat food out of the dumpster, I ride my bike, I dry my clothes on a clothesline...."

I Never Forget a Book

I've Heard It Said...

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