RevoltLink Economic Struggle Unionist Information
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Philly Labor (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
• "Labor Blog: Movements begin with the telling of untold stories."
Union Labor Directory: The Official Directory of Labor Unions and Prevailing Wage Guide
• "Organized labor, like many other organizations, was created out of a need for working people whereby, all crafts could meet and be represented as a whole, with the objectives of concentrating and exercising their efforts for their mutual benefit with the knowledge of 'an injury to one is an injury to all'."
America's Union Community
• "...for members, families, friends, and leading business services..."
Pioneer Valley Union News (PVUN)
• "Unions are all about workers joining together to improve their jobs. The U.S. Government gives workers the right to form or join a labor union of their choosing in order to improve their working conditions. Each year, hundreds of thousands of workers successfully organize a union where they work...."
• "Richmond, Giant, Berkeley, Emeryville, West-Oakland, Parr Terminal, East Oakland, South-Oakland, Fruitvale, Melrose, Alameda, San Leandro, Elmhurst, Stonehurst..."
• "Labour News, Trade Union News, Political news, features and opinion..."
• " give unions big and small the ability to create a network of websites that can share content, are pre-configured to serve the specific online communication needs of labor unions, and can provide the opportunity to build identity and marketshare."
• "We are in the forefront of using the resources of the internet to provide communications, news and information for the labour movement..."