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Newest Additions
• "" Independent Media for Independent Minds
• "News tips, Article Submissions and Feedback from our readers is always appreciated...."

Razoo: Online Fundraising and Donations for Nonprofits
• "...a movement of people who want to make generosity a part of everyday life."
• "...established in 1999 to host websites for organizations working towards peace and social, environmental and economic justice."

Subculture List: A Complete List of Subcultures
• "Anarchism, Bohemianism, Gopniki, Gothic culture, Graffiti writers, Hacker culture, Metalheads - headbangers, Mods and Rockers, New romantics, Rivethead, Scooter boys, Skinheads, Straight edge, Suedehead, Swing kids, Teddy boys, Teddy girls, Vampire culture..."

Blasts from the Past

• "...activism, art-making, bad-asses, communities of color, critical pedagogy, familia Liberia, race, transracial adoption, white privilege, women writing..."

• "Since 1993, I have published a populist newsletter and have been involved in populist causes."

• " create opportunity and a voice for low-income people while taking action to end homelessness and poverty..."

• "...the water cooler around which Oregon progressives will gather. A place for news and original commentary. (And sometimes gossip.)"

• "Many people doubted the viability of a broadcast model which didn't rely on some kind of corporate or government funding. But the idea was too compelling..."

I Never Forget a Book

I've Heard It Said...

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