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Treasure City Thrift: Solidarity Not Charity
• "...we throw away as little as possible, we partner with Ecology Action to recycle whatever we can, and we give away unsold items each month at the Really Really Free Market."

Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA)
• "The Australian Federal Government is pushing forward with a plan to force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to censor the Internet for all Australians. This plan to filter the Internet will not protect children from inappropriate material."

LAMB's Basket (Richmond, Virginia, USA)
• "...aims to provide food to the needy families of Henrico County. Our patrons are referred to us by area churches, the Central Virginia Food Bank, Catholic Charities, Henrico County Social Services, the United Way, and other organizations."

George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation, The
• "The goal of the George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation is to enhance the effectiveness of people and organizations working together to help Canadians imagine and build a just, healthy, and creative society."

Blasts from the Past

• "To enhance the capacity and effectiveness of not-for-profit, community and non-governmental organisations by facilitating the provision of premier on-line communication and publishing services, tools and resources, wherever possible free of charge...."

• "Hackupy are hack session or group collaboration days/nights operated by local hacker spaces with a focus on building infrastructure, technology, and general discussion regarding the Occupy Movement happening in the same or near by city. Think of BarCamp but with Occupy in mind...."

• "...a social enterprise with a mission to catalyze social innovation in Toronto and around the world. We believe that society is facing unprecedented economic, environmental, social and cultural challenges."

• "The company's story begins improbably enough with the birth of Charles Hope Kerr to abolitionist parents living in LaGrange, Georgia just before the start of the Civil War. According to some accounts, the Kerrs used the Underground Railroad, designed to transport fugitive slaves, to beat a hasty retreat from the South...."

• "To provide shelter for homeless individuals and families regardless of race, creed, national origin, gender, religion, or age...."

I Never Forget a Book

I've Heard It Said...

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