Ecological Struggle
Animal Rights Information
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Empty Cages, Full Forests
• "For the liberation of the overtaken, and the taking over by the liberated."
Vegan Milwaukee
• "I currently reside in the Bay View neighborhood in the city of Milwaukee. I've been vegan since about 2004 and vegetarian since 1998. In that time I've seen the options available expand significantly to the point that there have been rumors that Milwaukee just might be the next up-and-coming vegan mecca."
Super Shegan: Surviving in a Carnivore World
• "Growing up, I never liked meat or dairy. Something in my head told me it just wasn't agreeing with me. In 2008, some very dear friends of mine introduced me to The China Study and my eating habits drastically changed for the better. I feel better, have more energy, and actually cook now."
Toronto Vegetarian Links & Resource Page
• "Local Vegetarian & Vegan Links For Toronto..."
Sarah's Place
• "Affectionately known as the 'vegan queen-bee' by friends, and dubbed 'The World's Coolest Vegan' by Herbivore Magazine, Sarah Kramer is the vegan godmother of all things cruelty-free."
• "We are both vegetarians. My name is Kate and I have been a vegetarian for over 25 years and have a B.S. degree in Nutrition & Dietetics. Jimmy loves to cook and we both love to eat. On becoming vegetarian: We love animals. I fully believe 'vegetarians don't eat their friends.'"
• "The mass production and consumption of meat contradicts many Jewish teachings..."
• "Hi, I'm Dynise Balcavage, aka, The Urban Vegan. I'm obsessed with hedonistic vegan cooking. My culinary point of view, to borrow a Food Network phrase, results from living and working in a large urban center..."
• "What is Animal Liberation? Animal liberation is the notion that all animals, regardless of their species, deserve freedom from exploitation and oppression. That means no cages, no owners, and no cruelty."